Civil Rights & Employment

play figures, green, blue

Get treated fairly at work.

The law prohibits employers from treating you differently based on your sex, sexual orientation, race, color, religion, or national origin.

It also prohibits employers from denying certain benefits to many workers that are paid an hourly wage, like meal and rest breaks or overtime pay.

Read below for more information on common issues, or contact us for help.

Frequently Asked Questions

Unfair treatment at work is a major cause of stress and unhappiness. But you’re not on your own.

I’m a woman and my employer pays men more for the same work. Is that okay?

No. Men and women cannot be paid differently for the same or similar work. You have a right to equal pay for equal work.

My employer won’t stop coworkers or customers from harassing me.

Companies have to protect their employees from harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, and sexual orientation. If you’ve been treated differently because of one of these traits, you may have a claim.

Can you help me negotiate a severance?

For an evaluation, fill out the form below.

My employer says I’m an independent contractor.

Misclassification of employees as independent contractors can cost workers a lot of money in missed meal and rest breaks, overtime, and unreimbursed business expenses.

My employer fired me for my political views. Is that okay?

In California, employers can’t fire or threaten to fire an employee for their political activities outside the workplace. Read more.

I’m not being paid for overtime, and my employer won’t give me rest and meal breaks. Is that okay?

It depends on the kind of work you do. Many employees are entitled to meal and rest breaks and overtime in certain circumstances.

More questions?

Fill out the form below for a free evaluation.